If you're like me, you might be really excited like the MindWave Mobile 2!
I'm not saying I know how to develop software for this magical immersive technology. I'm saying I will~
OMG NeuroSky MindWave Mobile 2: Brainwave Starter Kit. In all seriousness, though, the EEG technology combined with modern software by NeuroSky MindWave Mobile 2 is an amazing piece of technology that allows you to control things with your thoughts. If you're a developer or a gamer, this is definitely something you want to check out. But the games it comes with are worth the hundie out-the-gate~
// The NeuroSky MindWave Mobile 2 is an amazing piece of technology that allows you to control things with your thoughts. If you're a developer or a gamer, this is definitely something you want to check out. With the NeuroSky MindWave Mobile 2, the possibilities are endless! So what are you waiting for? Download the SDK and start coding!
Mindfulness is a huge buzzword right now, but what does it really mean?
EEG Technology is about to change the way we interact with technology. This means that mindfulness and meditation will no longer be relegated to a small group of people, but will become mainstream.
Imagine what you'll be able to do~
And I intend to make some pretty magical experiences with this technology as it develops,
Welcome to the Immersive Odyssey

IO Odyssey Portals

IO Rest and Relaxation


IO Room of Friendship

IO Room of Compassion

IO Eye of Judgement

#Technology #Futurists #Developers #Gamers